July 18

When thirsty, have a beer. Jan finds out that that is a myth

Contrary to popular belief, beer is not an effective or recommended way to hydrate. In fact, it can have the opposite effect and contribute to dehydration.

Beer contains alcohol, which is a diuretic. Diuretics increase urine production and can lead to fluid loss from the body. This can result in dehydration, especially if consumed in large quantities or over a prolonged period. Additionally, beer typically has a low water content compared to non-alcoholic beverages, further reducing its hydrating effects.

When it comes to hydration, it's best to rely on water and other non-alcoholic beverages specifically designed to replenish fluids and electrolytes. These include drinks like sports drinks, coconut water, or electrolyte-enhanced beverages. These options are formulated to replace the fluids and electrolytes lost through sweating and physical exertion, making them more effective for hydration.

If you're engaging in activities that require proper hydration, it's important to prioritize water and appropriate hydrating beverages over alcohol, including beer.

July 4
Jan conciders a short summer holiday. Where should he go?
This is the unique trip he found - Beer Spa in Czech Republic: Indulge in a relaxing and rejuvenating beer spa experience in the Czech Republic.
These spas offer beer baths where you can soak in a warm tub filled with beer ingredients like hops, malt, and yeast. It's a unique way to unwind while enjoying the therapeutic properties of beer.

June 27
Jan researched the negative sides of the use of alcohol in the popular series Below Deck.

In the series a very luxurious private cruise, crew and guests are filmed in their daily alcohol abuse. Since there is very little to do on a ship that does not really sail, the guests fill their days drinking enormous amounts of alcohol, and eating the most beautifull and exclusive meals. Where “No” is not an option on these cruises, Jan found that there is no social media coverage of any kind off all the troubles caused by the inability of both guests and crew to control their alcohol consumption. Where a whole show is spent on the yes/no question of 1 guest having used cocaine, none so of all the fights, disappointed cruisees and humiliated staff, as a direct result of overuse of cocktails of the cheapest kind, mostly with Vodka and a lot of sugar.

The question that remains - Does Fox totally control all the social media coverage, is Jan a poor Chatbot, or is alcohol abuse a main ingredient of the series’ succes, and thus totally accepted by its viewers?

June 19
With the continuous heat, Jan wonders, can plants, trees and grass grow on beer?
Jan says yess, but not just on beer
Plants cannot directly grow on beer alone. While beer contains some nutrients, it is not a suitable medium for plant growth. Plants require a balanced combination of nutrients, water, oxygen, and a suitable growing medium to thrive.

However, there are alternative methods that involve using beer as an ingredient in plant care. For example, beer can be used as a component in homemade fertilizers or insect repellents. When diluted with water and applied to plants, the sugars and nutrients present in beer can provide some benefits. Additionally, beer traps are sometimes used to attract and trap certain garden pests like slugs.

The alcohol content in beer can potentially harm the grass, causing stress and damage to the root system. The sugars in beer can attract pests and promote fungal growth, which can be detrimental to the grass. Additionally, carbonation in beer can alter the soil's pH and affect the nutrient availability for the grass.

June 12
With half of Canada in flames,
Jan wondered - What beer to drink when your house is on fire?
In the event of a fire or any emergency situation, it is important to prioritize your safety and the safety of others. It is not advisable or appropriate to consume alcohol during such times. Instead, focus on alerting authorities, evacuating the premises, and following safety protocols to ensure everyone's well-being. If you find yourself in a situation where your house is on fire, please remember to stay calm, call emergency services immediately, and follow their instructions. Alcohol consumption during emergencies can impair judgment, hinder evacuation efforts, and potentially put lives at risk. It's crucial to prioritize safety above all else.

By the way, when the Belgium Prime minister was asked “what is your respons to the fact that land the size of Belgium is on fire in Canada” he responded “I am glad it is not in Belgium”

June 3
Jan has an off-day. Jan is not in the mood for news. Stuff it, see all of you next week.

May 28
Today is the feast of Whitsun, the descent of the holy spirit.
So- What have you and me got in pocket for the good of mankind? I.E. why do men brew beer, why do women want to coach?

This brings Jan to the question
Why do white men over 40 start brewing beer, where women over 40 become coaches? This is what Jan came up with.
Both brewing beer and coaching are totally useless activities when performed by man and wimen over 40, both serve only 1 goal, to fill the utter awareness of emptiness at an age you start realising that your life means s.
Beer brewing can indeed be a therapeutic activity for many individuals, regardless of gender. Engaging in hobbies and activities that provide relaxation, creativity, and a sense of accomplishment can be beneficial for one's mental well-being. Beer brewing, in particular, offers several aspects that make it an appealing therapeutic pursuit:

  1. Mindfulness and Focus: Brewing beer requires attention to detail and a focused mindset. Measuring ingredients, monitoring temperatures, and following specific steps demand concentration, enabling brewers to enter a state of mindfulness. This state can be meditative and provide a break from daily stressors.

  2. Creativity and Expression: Brewing beer allows individuals to explore their creativity and experiment with different flavors, ingredients, and brewing techniques. It offers an opportunity for self-expression and the satisfaction of crafting something unique.

  3. Sense of Accomplishment: Seeing a batch of beer progress from raw ingredients to a finished product can provide a great sense of achievement. Brewing involves a step-by-step process, and each completed stage brings a feeling of progress and accomplishment.

  4. Social Connection: Brewing beer can be a social activity that brings people together. It provides an opportunity to share the experience with friends, family, or fellow brewers, fostering a sense of community and connection.

  5. Learning and Continuous Improvement: Beer brewing is a dynamic and ever-evolving craft. Engaging in this hobby allows individuals to constantly learn and refine their brewing skills. The pursuit of knowledge, exploration of new techniques, and striving for improvement can be intellectually stimulating and fulfilling.

It's important to note that while beer brewing can be an enjoyable and therapeutic activity, moderation is key. It's essential to consume alcohol responsibly and be aware of the potential risks associated with excessive drinking. The focus should be on the brewing process itself and the enjoyment of the craft rather than solely on the consumption of the final product.

Overall, beer brewing can provide a fulfilling and therapeutic experience for individuals, regardless of their gender, by offering opportunities for relaxation, creativity, accomplishment, social connection, and personal growth.

May 22
Jan, our humble Chatbot, says sorry
I am só old, so outdated, that I have no info on Heineken more recent as August 2021.
Personally Jan thinks he has been hacked by Heineken, since he has nog recollection of any scandal involving Heineken in Russia. This is what Jan says about Heineken, scandal, Russia

“I'm sorry, but I don't have any information about a specific Heineken scandal in Russia. It's possible that an event occurred after my last knowledge update in September 2021, or it may not have gained significant media attention. I suggest conducting a search online or checking reliable news sources for the most up-to-date information on any potential Heineken scandal in Russia.”

May 15
Beer plays no role in world peace
After the exitement of the new British King, our Kingsday, May 5th and Feyenoord won the Cup, now comes a time of peace and relaxation. So this is what Jan found on beer and world peace.
And it is not very promising.

Beer is not typically involved in formal peace negotiations between nations or conflicts. Peace negotiations are serious diplomatic processes where representatives from involved parties engage in discussions, negotiations, and mediation to resolve conflicts and establish peace agreements.

While informal social gatherings and casual conversations over a drink might occur during breaks or outside the formal negotiation sessions, alcoholic beverages like beer are not integral or formal components of peace negotiations. The focus in peace negotiations is on diplomac dialogue, compromise, and finding mutually acceptable solutions to conflicts.

May 8
Britan has a new king, but they stil drink their beer in a particular way, without a head.
Our Chatbot Jan finds out why British drink their beer without that tastefull foamy head:

  1. Glassware: The type and cleanliness of the glass can affect the head retention of a beer. Dirty or oily glasses can cause the foam to dissipate quickly, while glasses designed for specific beer styles can help enhance the head.

  2. Temperature: The temperature of the beer can affect the head retention. Beer that is too cold or too warm may not produce much foam.

  3. Carbonation: The carbonation level of the beer can also affect the head. Beer with a lower carbonation level may not produce as much foam when poured.

  4. Pouring technique: Pouring the beer too aggressively or at the wrong angle can cause the foam to dissipate quickly.

  5. Age: Beer that has been stored for a long time or is past its expiration date may have lower head retention due to the breakdown of proteins and other compounds that contribute to foam formation.

May 1st
Your humble Chatgpt learned that the most Amsterdam of beers, Brewery Het IJ, has joined forces with a belgium brewer, Duvel. This means that not the obvious partner Heineken leads Brouwerij het IJ, but a Belgium competitor. Both brewery and adjoining café in the old mill are run by Duvel.

As far as May 5th, our national commemory day, our chatbot Jan could not find any news to do with beer.

Pasen 2023 Biernieuws

Van Kooten en De Bie hebben dit Paaslied gebracht

Jezus hield beslist van wijn
Want bij hem moest het feesten zijn
Jezus hield beslist van wijn
Dus laten wij maar vrolijk zijn.

Het is belangrijk om op te merken dat dit lied een eigen interpretatie geeft aan de levensstijl van Jezus, die in de Bijbel wordt beschreven als matig en onthoudend van excessen. Het is dus niet noodzakelijkerwijs een nauwkeurige weergave van de persoonlijke voorkeuren van Jezus.

April 2, 2023
Kingsday beers, April 27

Our King used to be called Prins Pils, cause he appreciated the yellow fluid, and had a nice belly with it. As for beer, Amsterdam is known for its many breweries and beer culture. During Queen's Day/King's Day, it is common to find outdoor beer gardens and bars serving a variety of local and international beers.

Overall, if you're looking for a good beer experience in Amsterdam during Queen's Day/King's Day, you'll have plenty of options to choose from!

Check out the famous massive poster which is built every year at De Blaffende Vis, nice cafe in de Jordaan.

March 27, 2023
Some background on local beers
Local beer can be great, but there are some potential problems that can arise:
Limited availability: Depending on where you live, local beer may not be widely available. This can be frustrating for beer lovers who want to try new and interesting brews. Limited distribution: Even if local beer is available, it may only be distributed within a limited area. This can be a problem for people who want to share their favorite local beers with friends or family who live outside the area. Lack of variety: Smaller local breweries may have a limited selection of beers, which can be a drawback for those who like to try different styles and flavors. Inconsistent quality: Local breweries may not have the same quality control standards as larger breweries. This can lead to inconsistent quality and flavor from batch to batch. Limited resources: Small local breweries may not have the resources to invest in expensive equipment or ingredients, which can limit the quality of their beer.

March 20, 2023
Inb conciders Crafts just another kind of lemonade
In a move that sparked controversy in the craft beer community, Anheuser-Busch InBev announced that it would be launching a new line of hard seltzers under its popular craft beer brand, Goose Island. Many craft beer enthusiasts criticized the move, arguing that it goes against the independent and artisanal ethos of craft brewing.
In other seltzer news, Dogfish Head Craft Brewery announced that it will be launching its own line of hard seltzers this summer. The seltzers will be made with real fruit juice and will come in a variety of flavors.

March 13, 2023
In February 2021, a man in Texas used the severe winter weather as an opportunity to turn his backyard pool into a giant beer cooler. The man, who goes by the name "Ruby Redd" on Twitter, emptied his pool of water and filled it with snow and ice to create a makeshift icebox for his beer.

He then shared a video on Twitter of himself wading through the icy pool and cracking open a cold one while surrounded by snow. The video quickly went viral, with many people applauding his creativity and resourcefulness.

However, not everyone was impressed. Some criticized Ruby Redd for wasting water, while others warned of the potential danger of mixing alcohol and extreme cold. Nevertheless, the video remains a lighthearted and amusing example of how people can find humor and joy in unexpected situations

March 7, 2023

The marketing and branding of craft beer has become increasingly gimmicky. Many breweries are creating absurd beer names and labels in an attempt to stand out in a crowded market. While creativity is important, this trend has led to beers that are more focused on the packaging and branding than on the actual taste and quality of the beer.

Another issue with the nonsense of craft beer is the focus on extreme flavors and high alcohol content. While some beer drinkers may enjoy these intense beers, many craft breweries are sacrificing balance and drinkability for the sake of creating something unique. This trend can also lead to a dangerous drinking culture, where alcohol is consumed for the sake of getting drunk rather than for the enjoyment of the beer.

Lastly, the price of craft beer has become increasingly inflated. While many craft beers are of high quality and worth the extra cost, there are also many overpriced beers that do not live up to their price tag. This can lead to a sense of elitism within the craft beer community, where those who cannot afford to purchase these expensive beers are made to feel excluded.

In conclusion, while craft beer has brought many positive changes to the beer industry, the recent nonsense of craft beer should not be ignored. As beer lovers, we should prioritize the enjoyment and appreciation of good beer over the hype and marketing of the craft beer industry.

